Thursday, October 28

Some Questions For You.

Why is it that when we are in a relationship we can't hang out with our friends as often? Or maybe not how we used to? (By friends I mean the ones who are the same sex that we are attracted to) Why is it that we always assume someone is trying to put the moves on our boyfriend/girlfriend? Is it that our insecurity creeps in and makes us second-guess the relationship? Are we so jaded by our past that we can't fully trust who we are with?
Now, I'll admit that I don't have a lot of experience in relationships so maybe these questions seem weird. I just think that there are a lot of rules that people play into that don't apply to every relationship. Games that people play just because it's what they have been taught to do in the past. Any ideas?

Thursday, October 14

Closed Minds Don't Get Fed

I'm not sure if it's just me..but sometimes I really feel like I don't know people who have my same interests. Sure, people say to invite them when you want to go out certain places or when you want to try new things but I still end up doing a lot on my own. When I want to see a movie, try a new restaurant, take a dance class, or see a musical I find myself wondering who could possibly be interested. I find it to be a shame that I don't get to try all the things I want to because it simply wouldn't be as fun by myself. What's up with the people that only like to eat at the same restaurants? See the same kind of movies? And a night out involves their favorite club or bar and drinking? Maybe it's because I'm a Gemini and I get bored easily but I feel like I want to explore and do more with my free time. So even though it's likely I will continue to do things on my own, I am going to enjoy learning and exploring.

Monday, October 11

Marketing Power

I cannot watch a Kit-Kat commercial without craving one afterwards. Smh.