Monday, September 26

Another Excuse

So it seems I basically disappeared for the month of September. Honestly, it's been a little hard to write lately. I can't concentrate. As I type this I am at work with CNN in the background and I can barely tune that out. I've just had too much on my mind lately and not enough time to clearly express my thoughts. Also, a lot of my free time has been spent applying to jobs with some kind of normal hours. Or sitting idly in front of my TV and enjoying doing nothing.
I did recently go on vacation. Labor Day weekend to be exact. And so it seems I shouldn't be as drained as I am. But all that vacation did was make me realize how much my life kinda sucks right now. I'm not sitting around moping about this. I've got plenty of good going on - like the fact that I make enough money to pay my rent and bills and still eat actual food. But I am exhausted most of the time. And I'm working a dead-end job that is utterly boring. My creativity is just stifled at the moment. I am hoping that will change soon since October has some exciting things waiting for me. I guess we'll see.

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