Do people dance anymore? I really miss the days when my family would have parties or go to parties and everyone knew how to dance. They would play Merengue, Bachata, Salsa and the dance floor was never empty. Maybe I just don't know a lot of people but from my observations a lot of people don't know how to dance or don't like going out to places where they will have to do more than just a two-step to get by. Or maybe the problem is the music nowadays? I kind of think so. I haven't really heard any Spanish songs in the last few years that made me feel like I had to get up and dance. Granted there are some people out there with modern day hits (Marc Anthony, El Torito, Aventura) but they don't exactly compare to the feel-good songs of the old days. It's like you can't keep still when those songs come on. This isn't just a problem with Spanish songs though. The decline of good music has hit Hip-Hop and R&B real hard, but that's a post for another day. I just want to know where I can go dance some Spanish music and I won't find half the guys standing on the wall while girls have to dance with their [female] friends.
I think what killed Spanish music in America a little was the introduction of Reggaeton. Yes there are some songs that I like and listen to but that is not "Spanish" music just because most of the lyrics are in Spanish. What is done when those songs come on is not called dancing either, it's called grinding. It's a shame that at a lot of parties I have been to when Reggaeton is played the dance floor is packed but when real music comes on the people scatter. Maybe I'm making too much of this since I do know a lot of guys who can dance but I really just love good music and dancing to it. And hey if anyone wants to take me out dancing, I'm down LOL. Enjoy the following videos, they are some of my old school favorites...
[Hermanos Rosario - La DueƱa Del Swing] Who doesn't love these guys? They have so many good Merengue songs, and this video is hilarious.
[Oscar D'Leon - Yo Quisiera] I absolutely adore this song. I would dance this alone if I ever heard it at a party.
[Raulin Rodriguez - Nereyda] If you're Dominican or just like Bachata you have to admit that this song just hits the spot.
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