Friday, October 28

#15 - My Horoscope and If It Fits My Personality

My birthday is June 21st, and according to an Astrology book that I own, I am a Cancer with Gemini tendencies. I usually do identify with Gemini traits but as I have gathered online everyone born between June 21st and June 27th are on the Gemini-Cancer Cusp. And I just read the most insightful article on this. If you want to read it the link is below.

Simply JITH

Since there was so much in the article that I feel fits me, I figured I would take bits and pieces and just comment. For the record, when I read standard horoscopes I tend to read Gemini even if Cancer says it includes June 21st.

" virtue of the inherent defensive instinct associated with this cusp combination, even the most mild of these natives will be inclined to gently lay down emotional guidelines that should not be overstepped."

This was the first line I read that made me go "Yes! So true!" There are certain things that people can say or do that will cause me to just cut them off. It's a little hard to explain but here's an example: A few years ago, I was talking to this guy and I was starting to like him. Well one night we were hanging out and my cousin was with us but he was waiting for a cab to pick him up. After my cousin left, the guy made a comment about how badly he wanted my cousin to leave and proceeded to get too comfortable - taking his shoes off, laying down on my bed. I didn't appreciate his tone or what he implied by us being alone so I after just a little while I asked him to leave and we never hung out again.

"Falling within the influence of both Gemini and Cancer, these cuspians are, in fact, a rather interesting blend of logic and feeling."

This is why I think I am able to empathize and sympathize with people so well. I am pretty good at seeing both sides of a story and understanding people. I've learned to see many possibilities and play the Devil's advocate.

"If the Gemini/Cancer native does allow another to share his or her living space, then such implies immense trust and a great deal of respect for the other person. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often the giving of a true gift or the reflection of a desire to share, rather than a sign of ostentation or need for sociability."

This quote is so on-point. I am very hesitant to invite people over to my apartment. It's my space, it's my privacy and I don't feel like I can let just anyone in. Especially living in a studio, I feel like my apartment is me and it's not easy to let people in.

"..remaining in touch with reality is important for Gemini/Cancer subjects and they need to find friends and partners who are more extroverted by nature in order to provide an essential link to the world."

I would say this is the reason I am usually attracted to guys who are outgoing. Usually I have to force myself to be outgoing and extroverted. Many people think I am this way normally but I'm a big homebody, I just don't like to be in my shell for so long. I get stir-crazy often now since I spend a lot of time in my apt.

"Due to the influence of Mercury (Gemini's planetary ruler), there is a strong desire in this cusp combination to take up new projects and switch occupations"

Absolutely true for me. I am always looking for something new to do or try. As long as it's something creative, or I can learn from it, I want to do it. Plus, I get bored easily sometimes, so while routine is comforting it can get old quick.

"The inherent tendency to repress feelings should also be avoided."

This is the biggest issue I deal with. I'm not very good with verbally expressing myself, that's one reason I thought a blog would be a good idea for me. Writing down whatever I feel is easy to me but I usually end up keeping whatever that is to myself. When I used to write poems, they were always real - maybe a little exaggerated, but still real - but most people haven't read most of those. Figuring out why I tend to repress my feelings and how to stop doing so is something I am currently working on.

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