Tuesday, June 28

#6 - My Views on Mainstream Music

Mainstream music is catchy. Annoying. Corny. Doesn't always require talent. Repetitive.

I mainly like mainstream music when I'm at a party or at a lounge. It's great stuff to sing along and dance to when you're out with friends looking to have a good time. Though I am (and will continue to be) a Britney Spears fan, I don't buy into mainstream very much. There's a lot of raw talent out there that I would rather go in search of than to turn on the radio and let them dictate what I'm gonna hear. I can't stand it when people say they love music but all they listen to is what's on the radio. Or what's playing when they go to a club. Many times it's not even what a musician puts out as a single that is their best work, but a song that gets neglected on their album because it won't market well.

Mainstream music is what people listen to because it "has a good beat." I'm much more interested in the words, and the emotions conveyed in the song. I'm a poet at heart so a good beat can only take me so far. And that's why I've stopped listening to anything Pitbull says in any song he is featured on. I can only take so much nonsense and empty words at a time; for example in J. Lo's "On The Floor."

As much as I would love Robyn to be as successful in the US as she has been in other countries, I would never want her music to go mainstream. Going mainstream lessens the quality of music. Back when the Black Eyed Peas were just three guys rapping they showed much more talent than after they added Fergie and started doing Pop music. Don't get me wrong, I have been jamming and jumping up and down to their music lately..but I don't call myself a fan.

My favorite artists are the ones who sell out smaller arenas. And play free concerts that are crowded but won't cause a riot.

#5 - Things I Want To Say To An Ex

This post is a little difficult for me to write...mainly because I don't have many exes. Sure I've "dated" some guys but I've had very few boyfriends. And to those who are my exes, I don't really have anything to say. If there is anything I want to say to an ex, I'll just tell them when it comes to me. I have a lot more to say, and ask, to the guys who I never quite got there with.

Wednesday, June 22

Same-sex Marriage

I'm really tired of people saying that marriage is between a man and a woman because that's what the dictionary says. Or that "God" didn't make men for men and women for women. Does that mean people who are not religious or who believe in a different God or gods are exempt? And if people cared so much about the definition of marriage and of being politically correct then they would actually be loyal and honest to each other, right? Not out there flirting and committing adultery.

People need to open their minds. Two people who are in love should be able to be married to each other. If you want to push this religious stuff then lets just say they can't be married through the church. But living together for years, and in many instances decades, and not having the legal rights heterosexual couples do is just unfair. It's wrong to treat people like they don't have rights. To keep civil rights from them. Why do some people care so much about what goes on behind someone else's doors? Live your own life. If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex then don't, but stop telling someone else that they can't marry their soulmate.

I don't even think this is a decision our government should be making. Let the people of NY vote. And if the marriage debate is too intense and still cannot be resolved, the least the government could do is allow civil unions. If you have an opinion on the matter feel free to share it with me, but don't berate me or try to change my mind if you don't agree with my views.

Monday, June 20

#4 - Timeline Of My Sunday

June 19th

10:18am - Woke up to phone call from Liz telling me she and her bf were coming soon to pick me up to head to the free Robyn concert.

11:00am - On our way to see Robyn

12:00pm - Got to H&M to search for a place to stand to get a good view..few minutes later were spotted by Liz's boss and a previous co-worker who let us go upstairs and get one of the best views in the store.

12:45pm-1:00pm - Wait nervously at the front of the autograph line that I was able to skip into to find out that we need to get a CD for her to sign..and watch as Liz's bf runs up to me at the last minute to hand me the CD they had to rush to spend $50 just to get. (I've got wonderful friends)

2:30pm - Get to my mom's house to leave for my Birthday lunch/ Father's Day lunch.

3:00pm - Made new plans for lunch since the restaurant we were supposed to go to was completely booked.

7:00pm - Back home and realize that though I got my leftovers and my new sandals from my stepdad's car, I left my autographed CD :-|

9:00pm - After watching some Cheers episodes, I decide I want to finally watch the Joaquin Phoenix "documentary" which was just weird and I could have gone without watching.

11:30pm - Dread going to sleep cause I don't like Mondays.

Wednesday, June 15

#3 - A Book I Love

I like to read so this is a topic where I can't really give just one answer. The first book that popped into my head though is "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. I actually fell in love with the movie first and then decided to read the book. They have their differences as any movie adaptation of a book does but both are equally appealing and just a beautiful story. This book and movie are what really made me believe in romance. I was never into such stories until "The Notebook."
The other book I have to mention is "Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain" by Portia De Rossi. It is a memoir mostly based on her struggles with anorexia and homosexuality. It took me 3 days to read this book. And it only took me that long because I had interruptions - work, sleep, loud people at home. I honestly didn't want to put the book down. It was so revealing and honest and it just shocked and confused me how much we put ourselves through sometimes when we can't acknowledge who we truly are. As someone who judges herself much more harshly than others judge me, I could relate to some of the struggles Portia faced within herself. It's a must read.

Thursday, June 9

Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge: Something I Feel Strongly About

Music. As cliche an answer as it may be, music really is vital to my life. Especially seeing some of my favorite artists perform live. I can't describe the feeling I get when I hear one of my favorite songs live, while I'm watching someone I respect and love having the time of their life entertaining their fans. And of course my love of singing isn't far behind - they go hand in hand for me. Whenever I'm feeling sad, or upset all I need is to do some singing and I'll be all better. Music can help me get through anything.

Tuesday, June 7


There is one area in my life that I never feel quite confident about. Even if things are seemingly going well for a while, I'm always on the lookout for something to go wrong. And of course, I'm talking about love.

My "love life" hasn't been great in years. And if it's been good, it hasn't been good for long. Why is that? I'm not really sure. I don't know if it's a certain guy that I attract - maybe I like them jaded, or commitment-phobic - or if I am just unlucky, but I can't seem to get a hold on anyone. My male friends recognize me to be girlfriend material, but the guys I like or crush on don't. Is it because I'm a bit of a commitment-phobe myself? Can you guys smell that on me or see it in my eyes? And because of that, does it seem that I would be okay just hanging around never getting into any commitment? Okay, there have been guys who did see me as girlfriend material but the excuse was that they were never really "ready" for a relationship (even though we were doing everything a typical relationship implies, just without the title).

I probably sound like I'm pretty bitter about this and I guess lately I have been sort of feeling that way. Every time I'm not quite sure what's going on I start to reflect on all the past bullshit, thinking that it could cushion the blow I expect to get soon. I know the negativity doesn't help anything, I'm mostly just getting it out of my system. And maybe I'm just being dramatic and over-analyzing things, but I guess we'll see.

Monday, June 6

Five Ways To Win My Heart

I assume if someone is trying to win my heart that they actually care about me and want to be more than friends with me..so I won't count that as a way to win my heart. That probably sounds a little weird but you can't win my heart if you're into just games or "the chase." So here is my short and sweet list:

1. Be honest: I pride myself on being truthful and cannot tolerate liars. Lying to me is an insult.

2. Show me you're thinking about me: I would love to receive a rose from you just because, or even my favorite candy. A good morning/good night text also works. Just show me I've been on your mind.

3. Communicate: I cannot date you if we cannot hold a conversation. I'm not very talkative but if everything you say sounds stupid or we can't find anything to say to each other, we're not gonna work.

4. Be a little romantic: I'm not saying I need a candlelit dinner (although that could be nice) or a poem written by you, it's the little things that count. Hold my hand when we're together. Give me a random kiss on the cheek, neck, hand. Remind me that you find me beautiful/pretty etc. Hold me tight when you kiss me.

5. Make me laugh: Last but not least. What girl doesn't like to laugh? If you can entertain me I will always be looking forward to the next time I get to see you.

30 Day Challenge

I gave up on my Project 365 posts for Tumblr but this challenge seems a lot easier to stick to. I don't plan on doing this consecutively because I've been pretty busy lately and I'm sure this will continue for some more time (it's partly the reason I gave up on 365) but I'll do my best to be consistent. Got this from Raaachem's blog btw, one of my daily blog reads.