A lot of people like to point out how quiet I am. How I can be in a room full of people with multiple conversations going on but won't say a word. And it isn't only because I like to listen and observe. Sometimes I just feel like it's pointless to say anything at all. And I do know that some conversations are had just to be had. Not everything needs to have a point to be said. But I do wonder if sometimes I say too little. There definitely are times when I say too much. But I do know there are times when I should speak up and I don't.
Okay, I'm not totally making sense right now..what I mean is that I can probably stand to open myself up a little more to people. That's kind of what I hope to do with this blog but that's not saying much since I've always been better at writing down my thoughts than actually voicing them.
When I wrote this I was just writing everything that was coming to my mind, so this is pretty much the way my thoughts come in. And I thought it would be better to just leave it as is =-)