Friday, February 18

Why Are You Single?

Ugh, as if I didn't dislike that question enough already I really feel like I have gotten my share of it lately. Yet every time I get the question, I'm not exactly sure what to say. Partly it's because I don't know the intentions of the person asking. And mostly it's because it's a weird question to answer. Am I really supposed to answer honestly and tell the person asking all about my love life? Or do I just give a stock answer like "I haven't found what I am looking for"? Better yet, can I just say "It's none of your damn business" or would that be too rude?
I don't exactly mean this for people who know me. I know that a lot of my friends and acquaintances ask because they think I'm a catch and would just figure I would have a boyfriend. The problem when a stranger asks though is that sometimes it seems as though they are just trying to find out if something is wrong with you. Like depending on what you answer it will validate their idea that you're probably crazy. Or maybe, I'm just being paranoid. But it really is an annoying question to get. So if you are going to ask me, at least compliment me in the process and change the question to "How could you possibly be single?"

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